The Documentation Centre at the museum - Musée de l'Image

The documentation centre allows you to have access to the many referenced works at the museum...

Whether you are a student, a professional of culture or simply a print enthusiast, the museum – Musée de l’Images documentation centre will allow you to access and consult many referenced works. Discover the Actimuséo database which catalogues the collection of the popular and contemporary prints at the Museum.

Opening hours

This documentation centre is open to everyone from Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The purpose of this centre is to facilitate the work for the team of the museum and to provide them with an information and documentation space that is needed to fulfil their professional duties.

It also promotes exchanges on discoveries regarding different artistic and cultural fields, such as cinema, photography or literature. Finally, it helps researchers and students in their research on the popular prints, as well as all the themes around it.


More than 2,400 reference books cover the themes of the collections, among which are exhibition catalogues, artist monographs, as well as academic publications. To be more specific, about 1,400 articles are on popular prints and folklore, dating from the 19th century to the present day and including Henri George’s collection.

Periodicals such as "Le Vieux Papier", "Les Nouvelles de l’Estampe” "La Revue de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France” and the "Etudes Photographiques” are referenced, as well as magazines aimed at young audiences such as "Le Petit Léonard,” “Dada ", and multimedia works (DVD, CD-Rom).

The Actimuséo Database

From now on, the collections at the museum – Musée de l’Image are available on the website and are accessible to all internet users whether they are simply curious or professionals. Today, only a small part of the 100,000 objects of the collection is accessible on the site however, the online publication of the collections will be completed eventually.